Revista Fereastra editia nr 121 (Septembrie 2016) Imprimare
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Analiza Analysis
Producatorii si furnizorii de usi beneficiaza de perspective optime
Door manufacturers and suppliers benefit of optimal perspective
Crestere continua a afacerilor pentru marii furnizori de paneluri
Further growth for the major door panel suppliers
Premise relativ favorabile pe piata usilor de garaj/ automate
Relatively favorable market conjuncture for garage doors
Cover Story
FEREASTRA SUKI: O marca romaneasca - reper de performanta pe piata europeana de tamplarie termoizolanta
FEREASTRA SUKI: A Romanian brand - benchmark for performance in the European insulating joinery sector
Produse & Tehnologii Products & Technologies
Adaptarea sectorului de automatizari la cerintele de rezistenta la foc
Automation sector is adapting to the fire resistance requirements
SYNEGO - Noul sistem de profile pentru usi culisante prin ridicare in plan paralel
SYNEGO - New system of profiles for slide doors
ROTO SAFE C TANDEO: Sistem de inchidere multipunct cu bolt automat
ROTO SAFE C TANDEO: Multipoint locking system with automatic bolt
VARIANT SC: Sistem de balamale cu amortizare de la Simonswerk
VARIANT SC: Damped hinge system from Simonswerk
Coltare de sudura PM Technic Elements, in 25 de variante
Corner weldings from PM Technic Elements, in 25 variants
Sistem blaugelb Triotherm+ de la Messenburg
Blaugelb Triotherm+ system, from Messenburg
WINARHI 9, cea mai noua versiune a gamei, lansata recent
WINARHI 9, the newest version of the software range, recently launched
HAUTAU ATRIUM HS, sistem liftant-glisant pentru o accesibilitate sporita
HAUTAU ATRIUM HS, lifting-sliding system for improved accessibility
Procedeul debitarii cu apa, inclus in activitatea firmei Drupanel
The process of waterjet cutting, included in Drupanel activity
Opinii Interview
Strategia ALUTERM se focalizeaza in continuare pe piata si client
ALUTERM strategy still focuses on market and customer
SRAC: "Piata de tamplarie termoizolanta se maturizeaza"
SRAC: "The insulating joinery market matures"
ECOMAC BIZ estimeaza o stabilizare a incasarilor la nivelul din 2015
ECOMAC BIZ estimate a stabilization of sales to the 2015 level
Producatori & Furnizori | Producers & Suppliers
Cresterea economica incurajeaza companiile din bransa
The growth in the first half of 2016 encourages the companies in the industry
Consultanta | Technical Feature
Permeabilitatea la vapori si pierderile de gaz din structura IGU
The water vapor permeability and gas losses from the structure of IGU
Optimizarea panourilor curbate de geam termoizolant
Optimization of curved insulating glass panels
Corporatii | Business News
Relansare a activitatii comerciale intra-comunitare
Revival of intra-EU trade activity
Index Furnizori Suppliers Index

DATE DE CONTACT: Agenda Constructiilor & Fereastra - Tel/Fax: 021-336.04.16, 031-401.63.88