Agenda Constructiilor - editia 123 (Noiembrie-Decembrie 2016) Print Email
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Analiza | Analysis
TOP 500: Veniturile antreprenorilor de constructii s-au majorat cu 24%
TOP 500: Constructors revenues increased by 24%
Dezvoltarea IT genereaza oportunitati fara precedent in afaceri
IT development creates unprecedented opportunities in business
Produse & Tehnologii | Products & Technologies
Imbunatatirea designului si cresterea confortului in casele pasive
Design improvement and increased comfort in passive houses
BERGERAT MONNOYEUR lanseaza programul Cat 360º Advantage
BERGERAT MONNOYEUR launched the Cat 360º Advantage program
HOLCIM: Prin reciclarea la rece se pot reabilita pana la 3.500 mp/zi de drum
HOLCIM: By cold recycling can be rehabilitated up to 3,500 sqm/ day of road
Performanta, flexibilitate si design, reunite in ascensorul Schindler 5500
Performance, flexibility and design, reunited in Schindler 5500 elevator
Extruder BATTENFELD-CINCINATTI pentru tevi de 1.200 mm
BATTENFELD-CINCINATTI extruder, for 1,200 mm pipes
Cover Story
SAINT-GOBAIN RIGIPS: Construieste durabil habitatul de azi si de maine!
SAINT-GOBAIN RIGIPS: Build sustainable habitat for today and tomorrow!
Opinii | Interview
KONECRANES estimeaza vanzari de 14 milioane de lei, in acest an
KONECRANES estimates 14 million RON sales, in 2016
PRODINF: Sectorul de solutii ERP pentru constructii este slab dezvoltat
PRODINF: The ERP solutions sector is very weak on construction industry
BOSCH: Cresteri de 10%/an in domeniul sistemelor de securitate
BOSCH: About 10%/year increases on the security systems sector
PUG al municipiului Bucuresti nu va fi gata pana in 2020
General urban planning of Bucharest will not be finished since 2020
BASF: Evolutii anuale de 3%-5% pe piata locala de hidroizolatii
BASF: Annual increases of 3%-5% on the Romanian waterproofing market
GRAITEC: Crestere pe segmentul aplicatiilor CAD/DAE, dedicate proiectarii
GRAITEC: Increase of the Romanian CAD/DAE software for design
Producatori & Furnizori | Producers & Suppliers
Companiile continua strategiile de reasezare pe piata nationala
Manufacturers continue the repositioning strategies on the Romanian market
Antreprenori & Dezvoltatori | Contractors & Developers
Inca exista autoritati care nu au renuntat la criteriul pretului cel mai mic
Strabag remains the leader of the Romanian construction sector
Info-Santiere | Building Sites
Reluare la parametri optimi a dezvoltarilor rezidentiale si comerciale
Resumption at optimal parameters of commercial and residential developments
Consultanta | Technical Feature
BIM - noua paradigma care schimba abordarea in sectorul constructiilor
The new paradigm of BIM is changing the approach in the construction sector
Viziunea 2050 - Europa alimentata complet din resurse regenerabile
Vision 2050 - all the Europe energy from renewable resources
Corporatii | Business News
Piata de cladiri se va transforma substantial din anul 2020
Six predictions in real estate for 2020 and beyond - in brief
Index Furnizori | Suppliers Index

DATE DE CONTACT: Agenda Constructiilor & Fereastra - Tel/Fax: 021-336.04.16, 031-401.63.88