Agenda Constructiilor - editia 125 (Martie-Aprilie 2017) Imprimare
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Analiza | Analysis
Investitii vs consum: se prefigureaza un an dificil pentru constructii
Investment vs consumption: forecasting a difficult year for construction
Piata de termotehnica isi va continua trendul ascendent in acest an
HVAC market will continue its upward trend in 2017
Premise favorabile pentru sectorul de tubulatura, pe termen mediu
Favorable premises for the pipes sector, on medium term
Produse & Tehnologii | Products & Technologies
Tehnologii eficiente care revolutioneaza domeniul HVAC
Efficient technologies revolutionizing the field of HVAC
BASF - De la beton armat la materiale izolatoare
BASF - From reinforced concrete to insulation products
TOPAIR PLUS - centrale de tratare a aerului de la Lindab
TOPAIR PLUS - Air treatment systems, by Lindab
N 360, limitator de varf de sarcina de inalta performanta Siemens
N 360, peak load limitator of high performance, by Siemens
MGE - motoare din clasa de eficienta energetica IE5, de la Grundfos
MGE - IE5 energy efficiency class motors, from Grundfos
VELOS LED, corpuri de iluminat Eaton, prin Power Electric
VELOS LED, Eaton lighting objects, provided by Power Electric
QUATTRO PROZONE - unitate multifunctionala aer-apa de la Thermocold
QUATTRO PROZONE - Air-Water multifunctional unit, by Thermocold
Opinii | Interview
BOSCH: Crestere de 10% estimata pe piata sistemelor de incalzire
BOSCH: Increase of 10% estimated on the heating systems market
SRG: Pompele geotermale, o alternativa viabila pe segmentul HVAC
SRG: Geothermal pumps, a viable alternative on the HVAC sector
RADOX si-a propus un business de peste 10 milioane de euro in 2017
RADOX planned a business of over 10 million euro, in 2017
Producatori & Furnizori | Producers & Suppliers
Cel mai mare targ national de constructii are loc in luna martie
The largest Romanian construction trade fair takes place in March
Antreprenori & Dezvoltatori | Contractors & Developers
Cresterea tranzactiilor cu terenuri favorizeaza piata dezvoltarilor imobiliare
Increasing land transactions favors new real estate developments
Info-Santiere | Building Sites
Peste 800 milioane de euro pentru investitii, la Ministerul Justitiei
Over 800 million euro investments, planned by the Ministry of Justice
Marele si Micul Paris: Proiecte ce vor transforma orasele pana in 2030
The Great Paris and the Little Paris: Investments that will transform both cities by 2030
Consultanta | Technical Feature
Implementarea directivei de ecodesign al sistemelor HVAC
Implementation of ecodesign directive on HVAC systems
Tehnologii avansate si alternative eficiente, in domeniul instalatiilor
Advanced technologies and efficient alternatives on HVAC market
Corporatii | Business News
Robotica si inteligenta artificiala vor schimba modul de a construi
Robotics and artificial intelligence will change the way to build
Index Furnizori | Suppliers Index

DATE DE CONTACT: Agenda Constructiilor & Fereastra - Tel/Fax: 021-336.04.16, 031-401.63.88