Revista Fereastra editia nr. 135 (Iunie-Iulie 2018) Imprimare
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Importul de feronerie, mai mare cu 3% decat in anul de varf 2008
Hardware systems imports, 3% higher compared to 2008 peak point
Ascensiune a exportului de tamplarie din lemn
Wood joinery sales are increasing on external markets
Sticla arhitecturala - un material de constructii in permanenta evolutie
Glass for architecture - a constantly evolving construction material
ROTO SAMBA, expresia imbinarii armonioase dintre clasic si modern
ROTO SAMBA, a successful mix between classic and modern
PREMISLIDE 76 - PREMIFOLD 76, doua repere pentru constructii sustenabile
PREMISLIDE 76 - PREMIFOLD 76, two milestones for sustainable buildings
E85, profile de inalta clasa pentru executia de pereti cortina
E85, high class systems for curtain walling
COR VISION PLUS: Design minimalist pentru proiecte impunatoare
COR VISION PLUS: Minimalist design for imposing projects
RS-100 - o solutie inteligenta de motorizare pentru rulouri, marca Somfy
RS-100 - a smart drive solution for roller shutter, trough Somfy
CETOL WF 771, simbioza perfecta intre protectie si design atractiv
CETOL WF 771, a perfect symbiosis between protection and design
Companiile se confrunta cu lipsa acuta a personalului
The local companies face the lack of personnel
INNOVATION MIT SYSTEM - un slogan care vorbeste de la sine despre ambitiile unui brand reprezentativ pe piata mondiala de profile din PVC
INNOVATION MIT SYSTEM - a comprehensive slogan about the ambitions of a well known brand on the international market of PVC systems for joinery
GEALAN: Evolutia de la o marca extrem de populara in Romania la un portofoliu de solutii avand un nivel tehnic de exceptie
GEALAN: The road from a very popular brand on Romanian market to a high tech portfolio
GEALAN-KUBUS®, profile pentru ferestre pur si simplu frumoase
GEALAN-KUBUS®, solutions for downright beautiful windows
Consolidare a parteneriatelor si orientare spre categoria medium-high de profile, pentru recastigarea pozitiei de lider
Strengthening the partnerships and setting the course to medium-high products, in order to regain the market leader position
ABITARE 2018: Focalizare pe utilaje, la simpozionul din Brasov
ABITARE 2018: Focus on machines at the Brasov symposium
Recomandari IFT pentru montajul corect al ferestrelor, la conferinta
IFT recommendations for proper window installation at EURO-Fereastra
Strategiile optime de afaceri, recompensate la Business & Development
Optimal business plans, rewarded at Business & Development section
Companii reputate, distinse la Innovation & Technology
Famous companies, getting prizes at Innovation & Technology
Sustinere pentru Sustenabilitate & CSR in bransa de ferestre
Support for Sustainability & CSR in the fenestration branch
Marci de incredere - concept imposibil fara implicare totala
Reliable brands - impossible without total commitment
Producatorii de top, recompensati cu premii si trofee
Top producers, awarded with prizes and trophies
DOM ROMANIA: Distinctie acordata la categoria Inovatie si Tehnologie
DOM ROMANIA: Special prize at Innovation & Technology section
HAUTAU, un veritabil reper pe segmentul actionarilor culisante
HAUTAU, a truly landmark on sliding solutions
ALUKÖNIGSTAHL: Trofeu la sectiunea „Sustenabilitate & CSR”
ALUKÖNIGSTAHL: Trophy at Sustainability & CSR
NHDP: Servicii inovatoare si investitii masive in tehnologii performante
NHDP: Innovative services and high investments in high-tech technologies
SIMONSWERK: Inovatia continua sa guverneze strategia companiei
SIMONSWERK: The company policy is governed by innovation
Aluprof System: Marca de incredere, recunoscuta la gala de premiere
Aluprof System Romania: Reliable brand, awarded at the ceremony
Distinctie la sectiunea Sustenabilitate & CSR pentru Pm Technic Elements
Sustainability & CSR - essential strategic pillars for Pm Technic Elements
Compania BITT-BAU, premiata in cadru festiv la eveniment
BITT-BAU, award-winning company at EURO-Fereastra

DATE DE CONTACT: Agenda Constructiilor & Fereastra - Tel/Fax: 021-336.04.16, 031-401.63.88